


Chan said he also plans to reform the KMT to make it more in-sync with mainstream public opinion, so that the party is able to return Taiwan to its 信用貸款利率2017former prosp代書信貸台中erity, safeguard the Republic of China (ROC) and maintain cross-strait peace.

Former Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) vice chairman Steve Chan (詹啟賢) yesterday morning announced his decision to run in the KMT’s chairperson election, pledging to build a unified and tolerant party that aims to 青創貸款利率2017regain power in 2020.汽車借款ptt花蓮哪裡可以借錢

Prompted by a determination to push for another transfer of power and protect the nation’s peace and prosperity, Chan said the reason behind his candidacy is clear and simple — to put the KMT back in軍人貸款利息 power in the 2020 presid民間二三胎ential elections.

三峽支票借款Setting his goals for the KMT, Chan said the party must be united, tolerant and diversified and that he intends to reinvigorate its ideals, which he said helped create Asia’s first democratic nation and made Taiwan a beacon of democr信貸利率比較acy for Chinese communities around the world.

“[Healing] a divide台中民間信貸d哪間銀行信貸比較好過 Taiwan and a split KMT are our unavoidable tasks. We must change the current situation. In order to do that, we must begin with the KMT,” Chan said in his candidacy announcement speech.

“The KMT does not need to worry about losing its party assets; our biggest assets are our creation of the ROC; safeguarding of freedom and democracy; our lofty ideals and the sacrifices we have made for the nation,” Chan said.缺錢急用勞保貸款率利2017申請日期

Chan said he only began to consider throwing his hat into the 勞工紓困貸款2017r台南民間信貸ing late last month, but expressed confidence that he would be able to meet all the candidacy requirements, including collecting enough signatures from KMT members.

台灣銀行借款利率代書貸款利率Chan tendered his resignation on Jan. 7, reportedly due to divisions between him and Hung over how to handle the KMT’s quest軍人貸款買車ionable assets.

Chan announced his candidacy at a news conference in Taipei, becoming the fifth KMT official to join the個人小額貸款 race scheduled for May 20 alongside KMT Chairwoman Hung Hsiu-chu (洪秀柱), KMT Vice Chairman Hau Lung-bin (郝龍斌), former vice president Wu Den-yih (吳敦義) and Taipei Agricultural Products Marketing Co general manager Han Kuo-yu (韓國瑜).

By Stacy Hsu / Staff re房屋貸款利率試算表p代書代辦貸款車貸利息計算公式勞工貸款率利2017申請資格>小額貸款公司o台北民間代書rter

AMBITIOUS: 卡債協商中心Chan said he was prompted to run to protect peace and prosperity, but his primary goal was to put the KMT back in power in the 2020 presidential el玉山銀行信貸ections

Asked about his plans for the 2020 election, Chan said it is the ultimate goal of any political party to gain power and that he intends to nomi債務整合推薦nate 信用貸款率利比較2017the best and most competent candidate for the job.

銀行個人信用貸款“I do not rule out myself [as the 2020 presidential candidate]. I will work tow公教人員信用貸款ard that goal, but a lot could happen before the race,” Chan said.

Former vice president Vincent Siew (蕭萬長), who attended yesterday’s news conference in support of Chan, praised the former KMT vice chairman as a “reformer” and a trustworthy person.


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